Sunday, March 16, 2014

To my parents and that voice in my head

To My Parents and that voice in my head,

Yes I know that I only scored a 17 on my ACT and that my cumlitive gpa is only a 2.95 but that does not mean that i'm a failure so please stop telling me that i'm going nowhere with my life. And that what I want to go to college for is stupid and that I will never make money doing that. Dad i'm sorry that you allowed your crazy ass messed up mom to crawl inside your head and change your mind on becoming a chriopractor  and now you have a job that you hate. because your mind is over run with doubt and self pitty and now that you are trying to bring me down and i've seen what it has done to you I will never allow for that to happen to me my mind is overrun with greatness and the cool thing is that greatness has no peak so I will always be on a upword slope always trying to be better and better. But  will never tell you this to your face because I'm too much of a wimp. So please take a step back and listin to what I have to say.

Juke Box Hero

Death of a gold fish

I costed you 3 tickets at the school carnival, and you didn't know it but you had just given me my death sentance. So you took me home and put me in this little glass bowl. I don't know if you know this but fish are made to be in OCEANS, Not little glass bowls. But then you have the odacity to just leave me hear with nothing to eat and so now i'm just here slowly dying. And lets not act like we don't know what happens next it is only a matter of time until I go belly up and your mom flushes me down the toilet and you move on like nothing ever happend.

The moral of the story- don't be a gold fish.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


"I may not be smart but I'm brilliant" -Tiger Lilly

My biggest fear right now is my next step in life that. Because I have no clue what is next, I didn't apply anywhere for college my grades are shit and my parents don't even know what to do with me. and I'm pretty sure I want to go on a mission but i'm not sure about that either. All I know is that my next life decison is coming fast and i'm still standing here wondering where recess went.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

concrete ideas

So I don't have a clue where to start with this prompt so maybe I will just right really BIG OR MAYBE I WILL RIGHT REALLY small. But lets at least try to do this prompt so could concrete be a concrete idea? I mean I would say yes.

  1. House
  2. Bricks 
  3. Concrete 
  4. Pools
  5. .

Okay that was a little harder then I thought it was going to be, And this blog post is really heading south fast. so i'm just going to cut my losses on this one and wrap it up.  

Take me back

Take me back to the days when I played for fun.

 Take me back to those cold Saturday mornings and are helmets made us look like little bobble heads.

Take me back to when my dad was my hero and my coach.

Take me back to when I thought the guys who played on Friday nights where gods.

Take me back to when there wasn't a stadium full of people but instead are games where played at parks

Take me back to when we got snacks at the end of the game.
Just take me back to when...


Hipster 101

How to dress hipster.

  • The glasses- yes ray bands are kind of main stream but yellow ones are not and he also put on one of those cool sun glass holder thinks now that is indie as can be. 
  • Now let's move to the cigarette he definitely rolled that him self because there is no way a hipster is going to give money to a big money tobacco company again indie as hell. 
  • Let's look at his necklaces notice how each one is slightly longer then the other which probably means he is in tune with his Spirit animal or something indie like that so there for it makes it even more indie. 
  • Lets look at the shirt it says swans, swans are defiantly one of the most free living birds just like hipsers are so this shirt just goes perfect with him. 
  • K the suspenders are definitely what ties this whole out fit together and they look kind of retro so it just makes them even more indy this guy is just incredible